Best platform for investing stocks and mutual fund
Guys, which application are you guys using for your stock and mutual fund investment? Zerodha, Groww, Upstox, or Smallcase? Why? Pros and cons of any platform

Zerodha kite -stocks Zerodha coin - mf

isn't mf invested through coin tied to your demat account? imo kuvera is better since its direct

What's the issue if it's tied to demat? I would like to know.

Groww- has better interface

Not a popular opinion.
Try Kotak Neo.
Best part you can buy Stocks & Direct MFs and the MFs will be in demat form aswell.
It's a decent app & site. Does the Job quite well. Decent support.
Personally I prefer a Bank based All in one platform for Equities, MF, ETF, SGB Etc.

Stocks - zerodha kite MF - Paytm money

Stocks - smallcase MFs - groww

Zerodha / Upstox - For Stocks ETMoney / Groww - For MutualFunds

The new Upstox for Investors seems like a good update

Kuvera for mutual funds for sure