Bs take really! If you had that kind of money, will you be donating to 1.5B people? These zero bank balance ppl have opinion on everything
Btw they did charity, fed 5k people for 40 days
We should tax billionaires at like 50-70% above a certain threshold. But we should use that money to build infra and important facilities and not give it as freebies to the poor.
Hard agree.
OP: I generally refrain from calling names, but this time I think it would be apt to call your take extremely stupid. You think someone's bank balance should determine if they're allowed to have an opinion? You're just flaunting your own privilege here.
And show me where the post mentions that they expect billionaires to donate to 1.5B people — I'll wait.
People love to hate on people with money.
@steppenwolf I do believe this that people hate on rich because they are privileged. But the picture post does not imply that they expect to donate to 1.5 billion people. However, the factors such as hunger index, poverty alleviation are primary responsibility of the Government.
Okay will convey this to Modiji.
- Pareto principle applies everywhere, including people’s efforts and outcomes. A small number of people will always contribute to disproportionately to overall human development. Whether it is in politics, art or business.
- Taxing high achievers, the ones who contribute disproportionately to outcomes will push them away to countries with lower taxation causing a huge loss to our own development
- Disdain towards billionaires is just emotional response without understanding human history and Pareto principle.
These guys through a huge event through which alot of people made good money earned well including people stand by and salute it's good for the economy I would say soo much money into different streams of market!!! That's win for all
Rich don't pay taxes I do, hate these ambanis and the fact that people like op make posts to defend them.