CAT Prep

Hey people,

I just started preparing for CAT'24. A bit about myself- Graduated last year, with an Engineering Degree, working as an Associate Product Manager (~1 yr).

I've started with IMS modules and solved a few previous year sectionals, not complete papers though.

I take out time to study on weekends and on days I work from home. Could anyone suggest a strategy; as to what topics to target first, what modules/ mock series to purchase, if needed etc.

Thanks, looking forward to your suggestions.

8mo ago

Have you identified your strong and weak sections? If not it should be your top priority. Regarding mocks, SIMCATS(the mock tests provided by IMS) are the best in my opinion. Besides that if you want any other mock then go with career launcher's mocks they are also good. I have not given TIME's mocks so can't comment on that. Don't buy some random affordable mocks they are a waste of time. Buy mocks from only the recognised brands like IMS, TIME,Career launcher etc. Try to revise basic calculations like squares, cubes, cube roots etc on a daily basis and if possible try to solve at least 1 DILR set and 1 RC on a daily basis. For previous years question papers don't be dependent on coaching try to complete them on your own, the solutions are available on 2IIM website or cracku for free.


Hey thanks for the suggestions, also any idea how cracku's test series compares to IMS mocks or in gen, is it useful?


IMS mocks are way better than cracku's mocks in every aspect. One of the reasons people buy cracku mocks is because they are affordable as compared to other mocks and they buy it when they feel like they need some more mocks just to test out their strategy and don't want to waste the IMS, Career launcher's mocks for that. Cracku mocks are decent but cracku mocks should never be your first preference


Hey! For CAT prep, start by strengthening your basics in QA, VARC, and DILR. IMS modules are a solid foundation, and adding mock test series like AIMCATs or SIMCATs can boost your preparation. Use weekends for full-length mocks and analyze them thoroughly to identify weak areas. Focus on challenging topics early while balancing regular sectional practice to improve steadily.

Good luck!

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