How much do you pay for your cook in Banglore?
For people who have a cook, how much do you pay? Specify the number of people they make food for and number of times in a day too. Need to understand whats the benchmark. Thanks.
How much does a cook typically charge for family of 2. 3 meals a day
Is there any app or platform where you can find a cook for regular cooking needs?
Depends on which area you live. He/She will charge somwhere around 7k-10k.
If the cook is visiting 3 times a day, it would be around 10k. At least for a good cook for about 2-4 people.
Hiring a cook in Bangalore for a family of two, with three meals a day, usually costs between 7,000 and 10,000 rupees per month. The exact price can depend on the type of meals you want and where you live. For example, when I hired a cook for my family, I noticed the cost changed based on whether we wanted simple meals like dal and roti or more dishes with multiple items. In areas like Koramangala or Indiranagar, where everything is more expensive, the cook charges are higher. But in other places, the rates were more reasonable.
6k for 2 people, 2 times a day.
6k for 2 people in Jeevan Bima nagar. Cooks breakfast and lunch in the morning and dinner in the evening.
4k for 2 people lunch and breakfast🍳 one time visit.
Function of ( number of meals cooked, no of people, no of times)
For people who have a cook, how much do you pay? Specify the number of people they make food for and number of times in a day too. Need to understand whats the benchmark. Thanks.
How much would it cost to hire a cook for a 2/3 time meal for 1 person? Which is better, tiffin services or hiring person cook?
I am fed up of these cooks in the society. Same taste in every food they make. No variety.
I want to hire a professional cook/chef. I am ok to pay 15-20k a month for two people 2 meals a day.
How to search them? Any recommendations? ...
Recently shifted to blr. I don't find green vegetables anywhere served with roti its always beans, daal, cauliflower or potatoes. Ordering online is too costly. Does anyone know any better options for food? Should I get a maid (please g...