Create your community on Grapevine! (Pilot program)
Hi folks,
(Last 24 hours to apply!)
As we complete over a year on Grapevine, We have been listening to you for cues on what other topics we should be discussing and not discussing on Grapevine.
Your suggestions have led to lively communities like Pune, Fitness, Sports, Hyderabad, Personal Finance and so many more.
We are now ready to let you all make Grapevine into the most relevant corner of the internet for professionals just like you
If you are passionate about any topic that needs to be discussed more on Grapevine this is your chance.
We are starting a pilot of 10 communities. By default you are anonymous in this process. Optionally, you can connect as a real person with the Grapevine team.
Creators of these communities will get a 'founder' tag within them and have moderation rights over the content.
We will also be taking opinions from users on the communities they would like to see manifest!