Did i miss my shot
So i was in a mall having lunch with my family. Two girls came and sat on a seat that was right in front me for them i was sitting at a 90 degree angle. While i was having lunch i just caught one the girls looking at me. At first i thought she must be looking at someone behind me or there would be something behind me so i proceeded to not care and carry on with my lunch. After a couple of mins i caught her glance again and she was still looking at the same direction. This time i looked back to see and verify was there actually someone or something behind me. There was nothing but a path where people were walking by i again ignored and carried on with my lunch. A couple of mins later out of sheer curiosity i looked at her direction and this time i again caught her looking at me. Now i was sure that she was looking at me but such a looser that i am had absolutely no guts to give a smile to her gaze at least. I thought my mother who was sitting next to me would ask me questions i got too shy and panicked. I looked at her for couple of seconds then looked the other way as if to say i am not interested in you. I so wished i was alone or with some friend i sure would have approached her. Who knows what it could have lead maybe. What are your opinion folks?? Do let me know.