

Guys, what are your successful ESOP stories? How much did you made? And what did you do with that money?

7mo ago
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0, company shut down also took a salary cut so wasn't worth it

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by WobblyBurritoUX/UI Designer

"ESOPs made me rich af"

Where did you work and how much money did you make?

Asking as it looks like a lot of promise of ESOPs and wealth creation has failed employees in this bloodbath slow growth, layoffs, and job changes.

Top comments

I have had ESOPS in 2 companies #1 - company got acquired ..I got 45 Lacs IN ESOP ...thats 1.5X of my last annualize...


Many zomans I know are filthy rich already.


I used to have 65L, atleast that’s what it showed on the portal, now I’ve left the company it’s dropped to 6L Ps...

Office Gossip
by SqueakyPotatoBusiness Analyst

ESOPs or SOAPs??

What's the value of your ESOPs when allotted to you and their worth now? Or they just melted like soap?

Personal Finance
by SparklyBurritoChartered Accountant

Are ESOP's real?

I have read somewhere that 90% of the People who receive ESOP are never able to benefit from it? (Company not doing well hence never able to sell it). Etc