For all the rockstars at work
If you are an over performer and doing great work at your company, I request you to also start working for yourself. You have no idea how much you can make just working directly for clients.
If you are an over performer and doing great work at your company, I request you to also start working for yourself. You have no idea how much you can make just working directly for clients.
Boss, do you have any Indian clients ? If yes, how many clients do you handle in total at the same time ?
Thank you for sharing in the community, you efforts to contributing back to the community is much appreciated. Just a suggestion: We can do a anonymous room on clubhouse, if you are interested, everybody can join as well with questions and you can answer us and help us. YOU CAN GUIDE US, THAT'S YOUR POWER. Please use that @Bereal
For sure, definitely open to this. But what I am seeing is that people are eager to deep dive into what I do and how I do. That’s okay. But I want to be anonymous and still help them, if this questions are related to them then I can help them acc to my POV
Yes, exactly ! People are eager to learn, so am I.
I'll make the clubhouse room happen. What I need you to do is download clubhouse and create a account with a throwaway name. We can then share a clubhouse link and everybody who is interested can join. It is going to be so informative and we all can't thank you enough
this is what makes grapevine great. thanks for the Saturday motivation. back to work fellas.
In marketing services what exactly do you do for clients? What's your skillset? Asking to understand what exactly your daily responsibility look like