Friday Fin - PMS Vs MF 🤔
For any investor, Mutual funds after a point become less exciting mode of investments. Also last 4 years spoiled everyone in the market. I was in a similar space and was trying to pick a PMS to accelerate my folio, but looks like returns aren’t too exciting ( cost of PMS > MF). Additionally, I am not able to see any consistency in top rankings over the different time-periods.
Thought of sharing this if any of us is going through similar confusions. Happy Investing!

Learn how to analyse and trade stocks, do it yourself. These management services aren't that hard to beat.

I've been through this. I went with a PMS.
As you noted there's no consistency between the top mutual funds across 3/5/10 year time periods. If you have the time and knowledge, you can review and change your future allocations at least once a year. However I didn't, so investing a part of my portfolio in pms made sense.

Would you like to share more on your PMS experience? How you figured out which PMS and data if any.

I took the lazy approach. Most pms have entry tickets of 50L and invest in a single theme/cap. Icici allowed me to invest 25L in opportunities and 25L in large/mid. It's been 6 months and my 50L is now 60L. I'm satisfied. I haven't had to look at these at all i.e. this has been completely passive.


Costliest investment vehicle

@ElonMast hmm they recommended high investment amount to keep fees low as percentage.. but yes fees is high