Has the job market changed forever?
We faced a really slow moving job market in Indian IT last financial year. I heard this year it will open some opportunities. It is almost the end of April and I am not getting any calls from the recruiters. FYI, I am a Java backend tech lead, Open for architect position as well. Having 9+ experience entirely in the same technology and in the digital banking domain.
I am worried, will the market ever be back to normal like it was pre-covid? Even during lockdown, there was a lot of hiring.
What's wrong now?
Wars one after another, making uncertainty.
I personally feel, during the WFH period they hired people from different cities and made them work together, which worked fine for WFH. Now they're forcing us to work with a team which is not in your office, not even in your city. Now, they don't need to hire people from the same city/location which makes their job easier. They just pick someone from the pool, internal recruitment etc.
People are fearing job security so a very few are putting papers, resulting in no vacancies.
The market is completely biased towards employers and we can't do anything about it. When will this end?