
Has the job market changed forever?

We faced a really slow moving job market in Indian IT last financial year. I heard this year it will open some opportunities. It is almost the end of April and I am not getting any calls from the recruiters. FYI, I am a Java backend tech lead, Open for architect position as well. Having 9+ experience entirely in the same technology and in the digital banking domain.

I am worried, will the market ever be back to normal like it was pre-covid? Even during lockdown, there was a lot of hiring.
What's wrong now? Wars one after another, making uncertainty. I personally feel, during the WFH period they hired people from different cities and made them work together, which worked fine for WFH. Now they're forcing us to work with a team which is not in your office, not even in your city. Now, they don't need to hire people from the same city/location which makes their job easier. They just pick someone from the pool, internal recruitment etc. People are fearing job security so a very few are putting papers, resulting in no vacancies.

The market is completely biased towards employers and we can't do anything about it. When will this end?

8mo ago
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Nowadays tech market is shitty because of huge surge in software developers originating after covid. So nowadays if an opening comes up, you see after an hour it has more than 500 applications…


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