Hear me out - Indie dog rebranding
I've had this idea of rebranding the Indie breed dog as the cooler dog breed to have. Cities can have multiple centers where stray dogs are brought and cared for in the most thoughtful of ways. They do look super cute when they're bathed, well fed and given proper medical care.
The idea is to create content around the Indie breed and compel people to adopt them, not just out of love and compassion for dogs, but also because they would be aspirational and cool to have - like the other fancy and mixed breed dogs.
Imagine a world where we do this to an extent repeatedly over time and there's no stray dogs left, all of them are adopted and loved ❤️
I know it's a far fetched idea - but hey, a man can dream.
What do you guys think?

They do look super cute when they're bathed, well fed and given proper medical care
I know ans: CR7😈
why rebranding? Unconditional love doesn't exist?