Hello All. Graduated in 2018. Was associated with Big 4 for sometime before drop of 2 years. Now again looking for a new role. Help me out with your suggestions please. Thank You.
Overall this looks good in terms of CV format and how it’s written - depending on where you apply next
Some of the technical stuff (like the form numbers) can be made simpler
Also I’ve seen in other Big 4 CVs that there are usually some awards/etc
Can you mention stuff like good rating/top performer/awards received (if those exist)
All the best
Yeah as in Performance Recognition wise? I will try and fit in those. Thank You So Much.
Jordon Dean
a year ago
Above professional experience section, provide good summary of the exposure you have with work and roles.
Coy Olive
a year ago
Your resume is really outstanding i have the same format. Also make sure to mention names of software and technologies you have come across.