How do you keep track of the dividends?
Shares or MFs dividends

When investinv thousands/lakhs in stocks , why we should care about few rupees per stock dividend?
Anyway if you have Growth mutual fund, your dividends will be reinvested.
Let me know why dividend is important to you, wanted to check how am I missing out by not caring for dividends?

I'll specify my use case, I'm investing in shares on SIP basis and I'm expecting a "good" amount of dividend every year and I wanted to have a record where I can see them all.

Bank statement calls out dividend clearly everytime it is credited to your account

In zerodha there is an option to download the dividends you got in the each financial year, just search about it

Check AIS in incometax site. It lists all dividents received in that FY, but probably with some delay in sync (never checked how long exactly)

Just use one Bank account specially for dividend. Don’t use its saving account for anything else (can use FD). That way, at the end of year, just get the statement of entire year.

Value research online website - Can create free account and track while portfolio as well.... Dividends also can be tracked automatically

Zerodha's annual statement generates excel sheet with every data you need- dividend stcg, ltcg, etc.

Blue coins Android app - Advanced finance app to track expenses, income, networth etc..
Link - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rammigsoftware.bluecoins

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