How do you maintain independence while living at home?

I moved back in with my parents at 28 to save money. The financial benefit is great, but I feel like a teenager again. How have others navigated this increasingly common living situation?

3mo ago
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I understand by what you moved.
Although I haven’t “moved in” I do keep juggling in between both of the places.
Initially it was really awkward. But laterI started stepping up.
Contributing to the expense.
Taking responsibilities and ordering them to chill.
And keep verbally reminding them that I am not a kid anymore


Last two lines very important haha , same here. Very necessary to remind them they need to treat you like adults.

Establish some clear boundaries with them, like not asking too many questions if you go out and trusting you to get back home without them needing to stay up for you or calling you asking for your whereabouts.


Moved with my parents after marriage. Worked out well, everyone got to know the new member in house. I think a lot depends on how you are perceived in your home, and your age group as well. Over time, you can move over to not being a teenager and taking up more responsibility as needed.

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