How many of these exist today?
Found these screenshots in my gallery while cleaning it. How many of these VC funded ed-tech startups exist today?
Found these screenshots in my gallery while cleaning it. How many of these VC funded ed-tech startups exist today?
Interview bit exists even today. I believe it's a part of Scalar academy.
Interview bit is the parent company of Scaler
This is gold mine and a potentially a great case study for somebody interested in EdTech.
Byju’s over
Unacademy going but weak
Vedant’u weak
Eruditus strong
Toppr acquired
Cuemath weak/shut?
Springboard ??
Lead School not heard much
Classplus weak
Interviewbit (Scaler) weak times but decent startup
Doubtnut screwed
Lido shut
Testbook acquired
Upgrad strong
Codingninjas weak
Eduvanz weak
Interviewbit and Coding Ninjas have an opportunity to revive the Indian edTech industry. All they have to do is to lower the price.
Guvi, doing good too
A few of them are now part of byjus
Holy shit, that's a lot xd
Good keeper 👍
forget the startups the jobs by them?
Crio.Do exists, they got acquired by SkillLync. They’re doing recently well
Lot of exist today like unacademy, vedantu, upgrad, toppr etc.