How to start investing in stocks?
Hello folks, Do you know any youtube videos/books/articles which will help me to understand from the very basics about investment.
Hello folks, Do you know any youtube videos/books/articles which will help me to understand from the very basics about investment.
Monika Halan's books
You need nothing more
Which book do you recommend for a beginner
Let's talk money
Do you want to start at school level?
Yeah. I would prefer that as I don’t have any knowledge around investment.
Read zerodha varsity and investopedia start to finish, research every word that you don't know until you know it
Lets talk money by Monika halan is good for beginners
Hello folks, Do you know any youtube videos/books/articles which will help me to understand from the very basics about investment.
Mention blogs, fin-influencers, youtube channels, apps , websites
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