I guess I'm failure afterall
23M Did my masters in cs from tier 3 college, now I'm nowhere near getting job, initially college promised to make placement drive but chances of happening it seems none tho they brought some companies but all those had non technical roles (BPO) I'm going through some tough time any help would be appreciated Currently practicing on mern stack
As a fresher from Tier3 College, it is always tough if you don’t get College placement. In current times it becomes even more difficult. I would suggest start preparing for Govt jobs and keep an eye on Private sector jobs too.
If you can afford with money and time, you can try shifting to Bangalore for a few months and see what the vibe there is.
In Bangalore you will notice thousands of freshers living in PGs and searching for jobs, at least 10 yrs back that used to be the scene. Some do get jobs living there in Bangalore, some come back after a few months.