
I suck at DSA, realized its okay.

I could solve general problems from arrays, trees, sorting and all. I would fail miserably when the interview goes in the direction of DP problems. After a point I realised it actually doesn’t matter, you will find enough places where you are valued for your skills.

Been a person who was on the both sides of the table, more on the side taking interviews. I realised one thing how many of us end up writing those fancy TSP code or backtracking etc day in day out. Almost most of the code we write is in some form a version of CRUD and its a reality. Someone getting hired in google is not going to be assigned to improve their search algorithm. I know a lot of ppl who joined and left google because they were not getting to work on meaningful stuff.

I ask real life programming stuff and I try to judge based on that, I want to see given a real scenario how the candidate thinks rather then knowing how good the person is in solving some DP problem.

Some ppl can write real good code without realising that they are actually using the best practices and design patterns and not remembering the patterns name, it sometimes just comes naturally

17mo ago
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