A network is always multiplex. Traffic needs to flow in all directions.
You can't just receive. You also have to give. For you to give, people need to know you. For people to know you well, you need to have shared experiences. Thats what determines your worth in the network.
That's why you need to go through the grind.
Otherwise distance learning MBAs would be the riot!
@TallTales69 what kind of shared experiences are generally the best? Sports? Can you elaborate on this point a little? I'm interested.
Could be absolutely anything. From eating Maggi together at 4 am in the Cafeteria to having someones back when they're struggling with a group project.
How else would you build engagement that fuels trust in the network?
Genuinely asking, has anyone actually leveraged their network from B-schools? How much of an overrated or underrated selling point is a college's network? Would love to hear first hand experiences.
Networking 101:
You should network to give, never to take.
It's counterintuitive but that's what will work best for you when you really want your network to help you.
AFA B-School networks go - extremely effective in helping to get things done. Jobs is a rather narrow ask of the network. Just greasing fast introductions or gaining high impact insights is the true benefit.
Never networked. It's been 11 years and I barely ever interact with my "MBA network". To be fair, I'm in tech and most of my classmates aren't, so there's not much to network about.
All I can say is that MBA network always doesn’t work. It works only for few people. I tried utilising it multiple times, but I haven’t got a single job through utilisation of MBA network. Did MBA from Tier I college.
Yeah but it’s not as simple
You need to be there for a year to be able to build relationships/friendships, so that people help you out later?
I spent 5 years in law school, I think the people I met there... I'd be less likely to refer to them than I would strangers cause now I know exactly how dumb they are 😂😂
This. I don't discriminate while giving referral to a stranger or a college alumni. Just because I went to college with some guy and talked for 2 minutes with him during college doesn't mean I'll refer him. In fact I would straight up refuse to refer some of the morons and annoying people I went to college with.
I'm from ISB.
The best part is an Email Network, where you can email any Alum, any Year, and the Email List is pretty active.
We get Job Postings, Coupons, Buy/Sell stuff, RFI, RFC emails almost every day.
So yes the network is worth the fee.
I just took a screenshot of 6 high paying Jobs Emails we received today, in a span of 10 hours - But I'm not able to upload the pic here as a reply. Damn.
They should let folks upload images here.
@PastaChef please forward coupons and other interesting freebie goods to me in case you don't avail them
I'm the name of charity 🥹🥹
The best part of an ISB Network is the Email Network - Where any Alum can reach out to any other Alum, any year.
The Email Network has all kinds of emails - Job Postings, Coupons, RFI, RFC, Buy / Sell / Rent, every single thing!
This ...
Thanks to this email network I got a pay raise enough to cover the cost of the mba in 1.5 years! You have to be there...
Getting into ISB is easier than paying the study loan after graduation.