What will you choose??
If you could time travel and get a chance to choose between going back to your past or future, what will you choose and why?
Past. And do these things:
Want to see Mahabharata war
I want to live in Vijaynagar empire.
To live in Macedonia when Alexander III ruled
See Julius ceaser and Napolean
If you could time travel and get a chance to choose between going back to your past or future, what will you choose and why?
I'll go first,
I would perhaps slap my past self and ask him to not study too hard for the JEE, take some time off and fetch more life experiences.
So I had an interesting epiphany recently. I have been pondering upon the possibility of UFOs and Aliens, and questions like Are we alone? One thought crossed my mind was what if Alien life is not in the same dimension as we live in? Lik...