
Looking to join early stage startups

Hello grapevines! Need your help/opinion here. I work for a big corp. ~6YOE. 48L.

The work culture here seems a bit off. Constant pressure to compete and snatch the work and prove oneself. Chaos is being glorified. Onsite team is unresponsive and hiding information. Asking for a KT is being judged upon(expectation is apparently to read through the code). Everyone is trying to earn brownie points by impressing the manage because no one seems to know what to work upon. Technical ability is being looked down upon in the name of domain knowledge.

I switched recently to upskill and grow, but seems like it was a wrong choice.

I’m looking for early stage startups to switch to. I know the current market situation is bad, but I’d take the risk as long as I’m getting to expose myself to good problem statements and less bullshit.

12mo ago
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Are you ready to take a pay cut for joining early stage startup?


Should I be?

An early stage startup being more riskier, shouldn’t I be expecting better reward?


@AizenSosuke I don't think early stage startups will be able to match your salary. You can get a good paper money, but honesty that's a lottery. Also, startups are made at the expense of wlb (early on). You will always feel grass is greener on the other side.


Depends on what your objective is?

If you want to earn big money series C startup’s are the best bet with the disclaimer they do have good business in place which makes money.

If you want to maximise growth seed to series B

In hand cash would reduce as you go closer to seed round startup’s

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