

May it be Feb or March official global recession is going to be announced!!!




2 years ago

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by randomjocke


Most of the millenials and genz folks working in tech in India would face recession for the first time

Here is the way it happens Fed in USA will increase interest rates to tame inflation. VCs will have to generate greater returns, because USA bonds give better return than most of the bets they’re going to make. Half of the portfolio companies of normie VCs will go under. All the limited partners who put in the money into VCs pocket to invest, will start drying up. They'll question every investment the VC makes, so ofc they will become risk averse. So VCs will force their companies to become profitable, cut down cost in every way possible. Startups will end up firing 20-30 per of the workforce, its do or die for them. Now, what can you do? 1/ have buffer amount in fixed deposits (5-6 mos of your expenses), amount you can liquidate easily 2/ now is the time to work hard and prove your worth, be the top performer in team. For the first time in 5y, hiring and retaining equation is in employers favor 3/ cut down on buying any assets which are not going to appreciate (esp the ones you’re buying on Emi) 4/ upskill yourself 5/ if possible get a pvt healthcare insurance for you and your loved ones, don't depend on corporate insurance. Remember, USA’s recession is world’s recession. Only question is how the cards are going to fall, together all at once or one by one. Brace up, next 9 mos are going to be the most difficult times you’ve seen in tech in last 2 decades. Godspeed. ps: sector i would stay away from india perspective- edtech for now