
Mentorship | Experience vs Skills

Which one matters: Skills or Experience? Experience, and further the insights comes with multiple 'years of experience' only. On the other hand, 'skills' can be learnt. Who would you give preference to? I've been naive enough to think that what people with 10-20+ yoe is something that I can easily do. But nope, decision making is a completely different ball game. I got this thought when I came across youngsters charging money for 'mentorship' (PS: one off sessions, especially paid, is not how mentor-mentee relationship works). If folks without proper experience is mentoring, what exactly are they sharing? How to get to where they are? What would it take for anyone to get somewhere further ahead (where they themselves haven't been)? Just some 'skills' that mentees should get upskilled on? Skills are required, but so is experience as well. As they say, it's not the tool but you use it that makes the difference! So yes, what exactly are these young 'top mentors' talking about (or preching)? Nuances: yes, one can talk about everything that they have gone through up until then. But in this case, everything would be short term and not really helpful. One off sessions may work if it's just a Q&A or an AMA session. But that's not mentorship. Yes, time is money, and it's fine to charge for it. But is it really that they're valuing their time more, or the money? I have no hate against platforms like Topmate. As a platform, they're good. It's just how we make use of it that is not great. [I do mentor people. I just mentor 3-4 people, and has been doing that since 3-4 years). I have a few mentors as well. That has been going on since last 6+ years. None of those are paid. It's mutual respect and truly supporting others in their journey. I occasionally do the 'AMA or Q&A sessions + resume review as well'. Again free, but not under the disguise of 'mentorship'




6 months ago




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I hate the concept of Paid mentorship Sessions

So, just to be clear, I have no grudges against the people, but basically I don't like the core idea of doing a paid "guidance or mentorship" session. Examples being career guidance or famous resume reviews on Topmate See, The very basic idea of asking for guidance is that you are in a vulnerable state and someone 'helps' you out by sharing their experience & giving back to the community in that way. This entire concept is thrown away when you Charge Money for it, it's no longer a help relationship - I can understand people are busy and have less time for mentorship, but that doesn't justify charging for it There is another tangible problem in my opinion. When you Charge for a guidance session, it gives a transactional outlook for you - As in you never want to go really deep into conversations because it's a paid one time thing and as soon as your 30 minutes is gone, you have earned your prize. I know it's difficult to describe in words but when you do something for 1-time money, it's very difficult to not have a purely transactional perspective to it . This is something I have personally observed when I used to be in a competitive activity & did paid mentorship Sessions. There is also a 3rd issue of inexperienced people giving out paid gyaan on issues which they don't have an idea of (I saw someone looking for their first full time job and yet running paid "career guidance" session on Topmate) but lets keep that for another day ps : This is not against People whose job is advisory, that's a much more formal relationship by nature & there are enough checks and balances.