
More push towards grind and sacrifice.

I'm surprised to see on the comment section that people actually support this load of crap.

To any newbies or freshers entering tech this year, don't follow this advice. These CEOs exploit your time to gain revenue and when the time is not good they wouldn't think twice before considering layoffs. Just do your job and go home to your life and family.

This advice only applies to entrepreneurs who have huge stakes in the company. Because if the company do well they get millions in returns as dividends. As an employee, even if you work for 25 hours you only get the same salary.

Don't follow any so called self procalimed entrepreneurs advocating for the hustle culture. You hustle for your life, not for your boss or your job.

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7mo ago

Sure 24/7 grind, only if it is MY startup


It's frustrating tbh, the kind of pushy these startup CEOs are. So much overwork in the name of "Startup culture". I am in such a startup myself... Where "Give your 100%" is actually working 16 hours in a day, which is actually 200%. And a "work ethic" means never refusing to work beyond work hours or over the weekend. Once in a while is alright, but you cannot hope employees to give up their own lives for a dream that might or might not benefit everyone but will definitely benefit the founder.

And this kind of behaviour is awarded with bonuses, but employees' healths take a toll.

I completely abhor this kind of a work culture, especially in these times when people rarely have the time to take care of their health and inter-personal relationships.

Another founder crying why people are not working as hard as him to make him richer.


Disagree, for people recently coming into the IT phase, it is important that you learn a diverse set of skills and the necessary pressure.

Yes, extremities can be avoided and in no way I am suggesting working daily 10-12 hr shifts.

However, if you are joining a small startup which is initially building a product, you should expect a fast paced work culture where you will have to put in long hours.

The good side of this is that you will be able to learn a lot quicker than others who are in MNCs where processes are generally bureaucratic and slow. This will eventually help you climb the ladder faster.

If you are someone who wants to reach the stage of an executive like a CTO, this is required. If you want to have a good paced comfortable life from the start, MNCs might be a better alternative.

I will probably suggest grinding for the initial 4-5 years and eventually moving on to MNCs for a better work life balance.


Also, I agree with OP here on not going with the founder's words. It is also a responsibility of the founder to make sure their employees are taken care of in a satrup.

A good founder will acknowledge these challenges but also provide solutions to make sure employees do feel valued for putting in their hard work.

Brazen statements like in the SS show the immaturity of a founder only concerned with their product over the people building it.


Very true as it doesn't apply for just startup and once when you hit unicorn and subsequent IPOs, ranking pressure starts and then retention pressure ... Retaining the status quo position in the industry . So I. And so forth... Once a wise person said, there's no limit to greed and stupidity!.

A mediocre company with limited lif ambition s gd and again life s always perspective.. what one individual wants and don't. Stay cheered and happy to wake up n morning to see new day with our loved ones around and that's what matters to me a lot!

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