
My colleague stole my idea and presented it as their own 🤮

I work with someone who constantly takes my ideas and shares them as their own. For example, if I mention an idea in a group meeting, this person then comes and repeats the same idea in other meetings to different people as if it was their own.

This happens very often so it's not a coincidence. This person is not qualified for the job they were hired for and constantly piggy backs off my work and ideas and appropriates them as their own. I'm really not sure how to address this without coming off as petty. This has been going on for almost a year now and I'm really sick of it. Any suggestions or advice?

28mo ago

Don't let them take credit easily. Speak up.

If he repeats your idea, add to it with a sentence like "Yes, when I came up with that I also had in mind....."

Document your work and keep send emails of ideas across. Sometimes before a meeting as the meeting agenda.

You need to learn to communicate your own work. Nobody can truly help you with that.

Do point out to your manager that this is happening.


+1 good points


Stop giving new ideas. Eventually the person will quit.


Lmao 🤣


If you're sick of it and it's been going on for almost a year, then you need to address it. It sounds like this person is not qualified for their job and is taking advantage of you. Talk to your boss or HR about the situation.


My advice. Take examples of how he did this. Concrete examples. Then write a text that is direct and honest citkng these examples. Making him aware he is dkjng this and asking him to stop.


Don't leave anything for ambiguity. And your last line should be on the lines "knowingly or unknowingly you are doing this, don't continue don't this." see no mention of please? Be direct. Take control of your ideas and your career.


Stop speaking and observe... Where is this person presenting? Why aren't you presenting there?

I initially typed how you should inform your manager and get colleagues to vouch for you, yet it'll not mean anything. Credit is already given. By complaining, you do nothing productive.

Keep your ideas to yourself, reflect on above two questions and do what's needed. You gotta let the past go. Nothing will come from going after the other person... If they try to get you to speak up more? Then it's a time to enable passwords and leave no document on desk unsecured.

Consider your skills and ideas as "career capital"... Would you leave your credit card out in the open?


If the problem is your manager, then have a direct conversation about how you don't like it. If you leave, they lose all the big ideas. Use that to negotiate for the visibility. Or include your manager's manager in the situation... You need a lot of proofs though to establish your claims - Gather them... The advice is same. Don't give your ideas and then complain about losing credit.

Sometimes, credit gets stolen for even very big achievements. Unless you're willing to go into a complicated process (like fighting in a lawsuit) where all evidence is "I said, they said" nature with no guarantee of victory, it's not worth the effort or time. Learn what you can do to stop it and use it for next time.


I’d tell you to beat them up but you’re not in school.

Channel your disappointment, use tact and counter.


The person you work with is a total fraud who takes other people's ideas and passes them off as their own. They're not qualified for the job they have and they're constantly leeching off of your work


Ughh, this is very annoying!


Best way is to not have verbal communication of ideas but rather written. If you are part of larger group, put the ideas in the group and tag respective POCs for ideas. For eg. If you have an idea on referrals, then tag respective PM of referrals. This way your idea has visibility and the person also will recall if someone else brings it out at a later point. If the other person is asking for ideas from you or try to brainstorm, don’t share ideas with that person, rather put it out in larger meetings and discussions in forum.


He is smart and you are a fool. Period.

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