
Need Advice - Product Manager vs Business Analyst

Hi All, I need advice from experienced folks here. I joined a recruitment firm working in blue collar around 6 months back as a Product Manager. Around 4 months into the system, I was tasked to build the business intelligence system (it has been ongoing).

My manager asked me to whether I want to continue in data and build core skills in data analytics based on my interest and what plans for career.

I am a little confused here since I haven’t tried real Product per se and although I enjoy working with data I am not sure whether to build career as a BA and if I can build data competency working as a PM. I need to get back to them by next Tuesday.

What are your thoughts here? Please be brutally honest, will appreciate pros and cons

Thank You!

21mo ago
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Both are great career paths honestly. I would focus on this question - do you enjoy working with people and managing projects more or do you enjoy diving into data and delivering epic insights more? Both jobs have a different flavor. Play to your natural strengths.


Thank You for a great piece of advice. I do enjoy deep diving into data and generating insights for propelling business.

Let’s say few years down the line I want to pivot to Product. Is that also tenable?
Any thoughts on it?


I think the pivot is possible. But not if you delay it forever. Earlier in the career the better.

But I’ve always seen in career you should do what you naturally can play well at

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