Need Salary/Career Suggestions
Salary 24 + 3
Exp : 10+ years PSU Bank : 5 Years MBA break : New IIM ( Not baby IIM ) Own Startup : 2 2 Small companies : ( 6 months+ 2 years) : PM and Post Merger Integration. Now 6 months as Business Architect in Stock Exchange
Mistake I did by joining a small company with 12 lpa as I need money after my failed startup and COVID happened at the same time.
Need genuine suggestions for switching jobs. How it will impact my career path. As I am looking for 40+ lpa which would be decent for me ( i might be wrong )

You work in a stock exchange, so you, more than anyone, are familiar with the concept of price discovery.
What something is worth = what someone is willing to pay for it
So, for ref, I also had 2 startups, I don’t have an MBA, and I don’t even have an engineering degree, but my TC is ~4X your dream CTC.
So instead of looking outwards for validation, look inwards. What are you good at? What did your startup experience give you that no one else has? Articulate it and then pitch it to whoever will listen.
Someone smart (like a founder) will recognize that you’ve been mispriced and take a chance. Until then, there’s very little chance of a company, in the absence of no salary disclosure laws, not benchmarking on your last paycheck.

Excellent thought process. Thanks alot🙏🙏🙏. I will try to implement.

@Nobody , I generally refrain from commenting on salary posts, but @carl has super valid point. Position and Sell yourself properly, rather than selling your entitlement to get 40l.
I will give a real life example.
Yday in an interview, the lady told me she expects a 50% jump. I enquired about the reason, she said because she has an 45% hike offer in hand.
You know what, it made me sad.
Had she given a good justification, probably salary benchmark and how she felt she was underpaid, or probably how she is amazing at what she does and hence deserves, I would have gladly said Yes, immediately.
Its always how you position yourself.
Think about positioning, why you are good, and have patience. It will happen.

Thanks alot for helping me on this 🙏🙏. Yes positioning is the key..!!!