
Paste this code in the console tab to unfollow everyone on LinkedIn

Remember, it doesn't remove connections but only unfollows everyone.

Go to the link: linkedIn.com/feed/following

Right click->inspect element

Go to the console tab, paste the below code and watch the magic happen.

(() => { let count = 0; function getAllButtons() { return document.querySelectorAll('button.is-following') || []; } async function unfollowAll() { const buttons = getAllButtons(); for (let button of buttons) { count = count + 1; const name = button.parentElement.querySelector( '.follows-recommendation-card__name', ).innerText; console.log(

Unfollow #${count}:

, name); window.scrollTo(0, button.offsetTop - 260); button.click(); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); } } async function run() { await unfollowAll(); window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); const buttons = getAllButtons(); if (buttons.length) run(); } run(); })();

19mo ago
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Why do you want to reduce followers of others, itni mushkil se to mile hai

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