Peanuts 🥜 for Middle Class
Any comments PF holders?
Bonus - In your 1st job u can skip pf and opt for ELSS and get 1.5 lac benefits under 80c in old tax regime

Over 30 years period, I don't know if EPF will exist.😅
I am. Not even sure if they have the funds in right place.

i do not agree with this moving too much towards equity. Since 2000, we have seen a singular directional rise in stock market, So everybody thinks markets will always go up. This is a winner bias, "it worked before for others, it will work again". I do agree that fuxed returns given negative returns if you include, inflation. But at the start of career, i would always recommend fixed returns to at least 50% of net worth. Some into term insurance and the rest into mutual funds. Once we have a good corpus, we can always diversify.

Wtf? Why would an insurance give you returns? Understand the difference between insurance and investment, stop misguiding yourself and others.
You agree that fixed instruments give net negative returns, and then you suggest people to invest 50% into it.
Dude, you're a top notch consultant.

Understand the difference between term insurance and endowment plans.. Life insurance will help ones family incase of an untoward event to one's life. Building a corpus will help in reducing loan interest payment when you want o buy a house. I don't blame you since work for Zomato. You guys consider delivering food as equivalent to solving hunger and India's employment problem.