People who partake in hustle culture - how, and why, do you do it?
This is a curious question from someone who is exactly opposite to what hustle culture boasts about. It is also my attempt to understand how people are capable of pushing themselves to limits that are not natural, that too, for months and sometimes years.
Context on my contrarianism:
- I don't have an ounce of inclination to push myself to work relentlessly. I don't thrive in such practice, nor do I want to put my health at unnecessary risk.
- Even if I wanted to try to follow the hustle culture, I am physically incapable of doing it. My mind and body shut down after 2-3 days if I have long working hours. I don't compromise on sleep, but the toll of long continuous work hours, even for such a short period of time, is my bane.
For me it isn't a choice between can't or won't, it is both.
Hence the questions:
- Why are you doing this?
- How do your mind and body endure working for hours on end with less time to refuel with sleep?