
[RANT] Stop stealing others work

I recently replied to a post about referrals and received a lot of resumes for referrals While going through one of the resume I noted a portfolio site, it looked pretty impressive from a UI/UX/Design point of view Designing a minimal yet engaging site is not easy, I was revisiting the site to take notes and was messing around with different features, and I used the search feature which TOOK ME TO THE ORIGINAL PERSON’S WEBSITE The person ripped off someone’s work and didn’t even bother updating some of the links I value integrity, I’ve been designing my portfolio from scratch from a while now, I respect people for their work. This is infuriating to me, to some it might sound like an overreaction ( maybe it is ) but to me theft of work is one of the lowest act a person can do Now that the rant is over, I’ll add objectively why this is bad for everyone ( yes all the parties involved here ) 1. You ( the thief ): Due to the buggy nature of the page, anyone visiting and using features would be redirected to the original person’s site. Assuming you have this site to show off your profile, this will invalidate everything on your resume, if you lied here what else are you lying about? 2. Original person: The original person is really talented and probably won’t hurt a lot opportunities for them. But knowing this might hurt their peace of mind 3. Recruiters: The talent pool in India is huge, but good quality talent pool percentage is relatively small. If someone poses as a talented individual using a stolen portfolio it makes their job harder. 4. People looking for jobs: Having people lie about their skills won’t make your life easier. If there’s mistrust, it is harder for you to show off your skill. You’ll need to work twice as hard to prove your talents 5. Indians as a community: Racism towards Indian based on their integrity is prevalent online and IRL. This does not help it at all. Please change your ways Use a template FFS

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Office Gossip on

by zenzone


Struggling with Credit Thief Daily😒

I have an onshore counterpart, one level above me. We two are setting up the project and conducting workshops. The problems I have are: 1. I work in the B shift from 2 PM to 11 PM since the client is in PST. But i login usually at 10-11 2. My onshore counterpart works in EST but logs in very late. 3. Although I work in the B shift, I often extend until 1 AM because I am preparing all the PPTs and doing research. I have to explain everything I do daily for 2-3 hours. She schedules meetings during the PST afternoon to present that work. 4. It has been 2 months of the same routine. In every weekly stand-up, she gets appreciation as if she did the work and research, without giving me any credit. 5. I can escalate the issue, but no one will listen because she has been here for 12 years, whereas I joined a year ago. She has strong networking with the leadership, which I lack. 6. I can ask for release, but I like this project and have provided solutions for some challenging gaps. I feel very bad because I work for 16-18 hours per day. She could schedule the meeting in the PST morning, but she purposely schedules it in the PST afternoon and gets the credit for my work. PS: i saw her creating a transcript to read during the meeting Do people like this really exist? If you have personal commitments, why come to work? Don’t you have a conscience and feel guilty about stealing credit for others’ work? Nowadays, there are many posts related to stopping gender-based reservations. Is it because of situations like this?


Confessions on

by FreshRaita


What would you do in this situation

Imagine this: You have spent weeks evaluating candidates for that open role. You have put them through every test, multiple interviews - you have dissected their skills, their experiences, and you’ve finally made your decision. You are now making THE offer. The candidate sits across from you - but instead of shaking your hand he/she leans forward and says "Just so you know, I’m not an IIT grad. Never went there" Now what? This candidate just cleared all your rounds, solved every problem, nailed every behavioral question. What do you do now??? Do you throw them out for lying? Do you punish them for tricking the system into shortlisting the resume and offering them? OR Do you pause for a second and ask yourself - did I just judge someones ability based on a checklist, or did I see their actual potential? Sure your system, your filters, your standards - they all got tricked. They made a joke out of it. And it should hurt. But wasn't the process you trust so much supposed to catch the lie? If the guy is sitting in front of you, with the skills and problem-solving mindset - tested by you and your people - the same someone you were willing to make an offer a minute ago - the same someone you went gaga over a minute ago - minus the degree is still the same guy. Right?? Then did the degree really matter? Sure, his approach might be unconventional, but isn’t the whole point of hiring to get the best talent? If he could game your system and still outperform others within your interviewing standards and assessment playground rules - doesn’t that say something about him? Would you honor his honesty at the last second? Or would you punish the trickery, even though you’ve just spent weeks proving he has what it takes? Would you now question your hiring standards? Would you realize you might be filtering out great candidates because they don’t fit the “mold” you’ve built? Or do you still choose to stay stuck on the labels and shiny credentials? Here’s the real question: Did your system just fail… or did it actually work? What if the candidate rubbed it in your face and said - "And those companies on my resume? Never worked there either” Would that hurt your ego even more? your pride? So many ... Trust me SOOOOO MANYYYYY others have you missed out on opportunities because they didn’t have the RIGHT school, the RIGHT companies on their resume? So if a candidate - does exactly this - Is he/she any wrong - to shake up your system? Some of the boldest moves I know comes from a place of desperation. They come from a place of nothing more to lose So again - I got to ask - what would you do in this situation if you were hiring? PS: SocialExperiment No. 1 - I am thinking of publishing more of these - What do you think?


Confessions on

by FreshRaita


dirty tricks played by orgs to Lay Off employees

It's getting dirtier by the day and sure some orgs are still up to their dirty tricks. The models: - Appraise and then Lay Off: Why bother putting bandaid on a stab wound? Anyways the folks are going to fight how to answer the ..why were you laid off war, and now you are adding another twist.. why were you appraised and then laid off? - Low appraisals to force quit: Undervalue them so they leave on their own. It’s a leeches way to cut costs. Kill morale 100%. Severance penny spent $0. - Trap them in PIP: Dress it up however you want - very very few escape this death sentence. - Silent treatment: No assignments, No meetings. Watch them spiral into anxiety and leave to save their sanity. - Workload overload: Drown them in work until they break. No need for layoffs list until they make it to your collapse list first. - Strategic reorg: Re-organize them out of existence. Offer a demotion or a proxy role in a random team that you know they dont want as an alternative. - Sudden policy changes: oh! I have seen so many I can't keep up with this one. New policies that make their life hell. People leave to escape your pettiness. - Mandatory relocation: Demand they move to an undesirable location. Then you treat remote employees like outsiders. Exclude them from key projects, conversations until they feel like foster care kids, second-class citizens. You know the outcome from there on. - Use the "Culture Fit" excuse: Call out how they’re not a culture fit. Vague, unchallengeable, and forces them out without severance. And don't sell me "the org has got to do what it has got to do to survive" line. I don't buy that If you have seen this being done, I understand your silence, but I don't value it. If this has been done to you or someone close to you, I am sorry. Orgs and the people failed you. We could be 1000x better than what we are operating as.