
[Rant] Linkedin mentors

Every second/third post on my feed is promoting some mentorship/coaching. Fed up with it. The post starts with some gyaan ( mostly related to interview) and then ends with mentorship or coaching promo. Especially people who cracked interview at amazon and microsoft. And now any random company. Some post has pic too, which is fully unrelated to the post. From SDE’s perspective. Job at work is different from interview. And i am sure current employees, if they have to go through interview process of the same company for the same position, most of them won’t be able to crack in the first go. ( Unless they know the exact questions to be asked ). Coding rounds. Companies usually have a set of questions (question bank) and interviewer picks question from it. Except for the very exceptional case, it is quite difficult to solve these questions if you haven’t solved them ( or related questions) earlier in the given time. So, it all boils down to how close are you to their question bank. So, instead of other things, if linkedin mentors posted about the questions they were asked, that would be more useful. To be continued….




3 months ago




3 months ago

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Misc on

by AvgRasmalaiEnjoyer


LinkedIn Gyaanis should be banned

Rant. Chappri Interns and mid af SDEs on LinkedIn have destroyed the entire point of the platform. Every Tier 1 graduate working at Microsoft or Walmart posts their own pic in some Manali hillstation and give 400 lines of unsolicited gyaan, which virgin btech 2nd year students cant help but drool at. I get it bro/sis, you mugged up 800 LC mediums and Microsoft came to your BITS campus and picked you up because you solved a system design question in the interview which scales infinitely for infinite users. No, i dont want to enroll is PrepCracker's System Design Cohort for just Rs 69,999 and replace Hotstar's CTO. Folks like Arpit Bhayani and Addy Osmani are the only reason I open linkedin to actually get some ground level reality of how to be a better SWE, but all i see is bhaiyya didi telling me why my resume is not getting selected because i didnt pay Rs. 1,999 for their Topmate Resume Review session. Due to them Twitter is full of 2nd year dimwits who think swe is the only path to liberation and their bhaiyya didi will be their guiding angel. They won't. They'll turn out just like your average 3.5lpa employee at WITCH. The only way to become a good swe is figure shit out yourself and do what you love. Its that simple. Im from a shit tier 3 college. I've cracked FAANG and that too with 42 lc solved. What DSA bro? Thankyou to the Grapevine team for building a good platform where genuine watercooler discussions take place. Deleted LinkedIn for good until i get my sanity back.


Indian Startups on

by salt


[Thread] Why Career Advice is generally bullsh*t?

Have you observed this trend of getting scammed? Early career professionals ➡️ Online Courses Colllege Kids ➡️ FAANG/MAANG didi/bhaiyya School Kids ➡️ JEE cram schools Here’s why career advice is generally bad. 1. Those who share career advice online are generally out there trying to shill you paid courses. They tell you what you want to hear so you pay up. 2. Any career advice that works will lose its edge over time. Because it becomes widely adopted, and that’s precisely because it works. Example: If everyone is building a portfolio website then it becomes the defacto standard. I’m not saying that don’t build a portfolio website. What I’m saying is, that it becomes less effective over time because you building one is not a clear differentiator. Imagine sending a letter by post to an early stage company’s founder where you want to work, he might be more willing to schedule a call with you because you chose an approach that they might not have experienced first hand ever. Also, I’m not saying that the above said approach will work, since it’s unproven you’ll have to experiment and evaluate if it works. Maybe a good heuristic is to “do what it takes to stand out” and that means being creative with how you navigate work life. 3. Those giving advice generally impose their thought model onto you. They make assumptions basis what they think is right. This is not a bad thing but it does not account for your specific constraints. Finally, if you do want to ask for advice. 1. Ask “How” questions to those not much older than you, since they are executing in the trenches. 2. Ask “Why” questions to much older folks, you try to get closer to their first principles, which is the base level truth that cannot be divided further. Avoid asking “What” questions to anyone, generally it’s good to think them through yourself.


Confessions on

by FreshRaita


Remember when LinkedIn was the place to get work done?

Welcome to NEW LinkedIn, where professionals go to get distracted - Because nothing says "professional networking" like knowing that out of my 30K connections, 48 have played Queens in the last hour. Exactly the vital information I needed today. And it's so comforting to know my boss not only sucks at setting my KPIs but also sucks at LUDO (oh wait.. they dont have LUDO, but you get the point). Say Yes to LinkedIn Games : because what better way to showcase your professional skills than competing in virtual board games. Maybe next we’ll have a LinkedIn Queens Champion title to boost your profile visibility and job hunt next? - AI Post Ideas – Original thoughts? Nah, let the algorithm tell me what to think. Can’t wait for the ‘Inspirational Monday Motivation’ template. Because originality is overrated, right? - LinkedIn Shorts – because TikTok isn’t enough. Now I can document getting laid off in 30-second clips. ‘Watch me scream at my boss in high definition!’ And the best part? When the boss yells at an employee, we can record that too! Coming soon: "Live from the pantry" and "Breakout room drama" LiEmploymentTV is the new reality TV What are the new features in pipe: Kundli and Tarot? - LinkedIn Horoscopes: Today’s forecast: Your connection requests will be ignored. Better luck tomorrow! - LinkedIn Tarot Readings: The cards say stop pretending to enjoy team-building exercises - LinkedIn Karaoke: Here's a hip hop base track to sing your resignation letter - LinkedIn Pet Profiles: Cause your cat deserves a professional network too - LinkedIn Cooking Shows: Cause you are more than your current role - LinkedIn Meditation Sessions: Your mind needs it own Calm - LinkedIn Matchmaking: We solved for the jobs, now lets help you find love with someone equally networked Meta shutting down workplace really dint teach you anything??? To the PMs at LinkedIn – Thanks for teaching us - What not to do when and how.