
Rant on influencers

I genuinely sometimes don't understand how influencers/content creators earn so much money and just spend on anything. It's too frustrating to see that you work your ass off everyday for 9-10 hours and get those weekends to chill and still can't save up enough money to go to Europe for 2 weeks. On the contrary, the influencers who don't have any fucking talent just do some random bs podcast, some clothing haul, some grwm and then go to a Taylor Swift concert and go to 5 countries in a year with the most luxurious stays. Is it just me or is it frustrating for everyone to see? They will meet any celebrity, buy the latest smartphone, have the best parties etc. It's like I want that life but I don't think I'll be able to ever get there.




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Indian Startups on

by boredcorporate


Make money! As much as you possibly can!

If there is one thing you can learn from Ambani’s wedding, it’s the fact that money is the only objective measure of power and influence in this world. - The biggest rivals politically, share the stage and greet each other The biggest rivals in cricket, dance with each other The biggest rivals in cinema, greet each other The biggest rivals within family, help each other The biggest rivals in business, hug each other - You should strive to make as much money as you possible can because money is power. You don't do it for pleasure; you do it because that's how you win. You do it because in this ruthless world, being on top is the only safe place to be. Money is your shield and your weapon, and without it, you're nothing. - You make as much money as possible because, let's face it, money's fun. It's the key to all the cool stuff—power, parties, private jets, you name it. Sure, it's also about proving yourself and not being the screw-up everyone thinks you are, but mainly it's about the thrill. Making money means you're in the game, you're relevant, and you can do whatever the hell you want. - Plus, it gives you the leverage to tell people to screw off and actually get away with it. So, yeah, stack that cash and enjoy the ride. - You make as much money as possible because it’s your ticket to security and status. In this family and in this world, wealth is what keeps you safe and respected. It’s about climbing the ladder and proving you belong at the top, even if you weren’t born into it. With money, you gain leverage, influence, and the ability to protect yourself in a cutthroat environment. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to enjoy the finer things and have a buffer against the chaos that comes with being alive in this world. - You make as much money as possible because it’s about breaking boundaries and redefining what’s possible. It’s not just about the money—it’s about the disruption, the innovation, and staying ahead of the curve. - Continued in comments


News Discussion on

by web3nerd


BlackHat Retention Tactics by TCS 👽

TCS organises an internal exam called "Wings 1" by which the new joiners can double up their salary. (They get extra incentives, it's added as a separate item in Salary Slip). • No Fairness • No transparency , just hope so that you get stuck in the loop. So they organise this 3 times in a year so that they can cover the whole year. (Selling Hope of Getting Cleared Every Cycle). > A few months back they changed rules as most of the people were on the verge of clearing it. > There is no particular syllabus for most of the exams. > If you are on the verge of clearing Required Tracks, you will potentially end up getting failed in one of them for sure.(you'll never know why !) > There's no marking scheme. > The exam centres are 50-60KMs away. > You can't even see how many marks you scored. > The Result comes after a month, that too is sometimes delayed.(This is the same TCS which organises JEE etc exams). > If more people are clearing, they reshuffle marks (Happened in Earlier Cycle). > Even after so many obstacles if you clear it: if your manager gives you C band it goes away... they call themselves employee friendly 😂. Most of the new joiners get stuck in this cycle & end up losing their precious time. Someone should raise this issue. It should be in NEWS. *********If someone is writing article on this then i can share SSs of Dashboard in ample amount which proves my point........