
Sad state of resumes

Hiring for a couple of roles, and sorry to see the state of resumes. We are living in the best time of Internet, how come they are not being utilised? So many free websites, blogs, videos

Major points that should be followed

  1. Stick to 1-page resume - yes you are very hard working, you love yourself a lot, but still 1 page. If you have to add another page, add projects that support your cause but cannot make/break the deal
  2. No pictures please, if you aren’t applying for modelling acting roles, please don’t
  3. No age, DOB or full address - Apart from unnecessary, they are potential security breaches. Phone number and city are enough
  4. Alignment - Too much white space is just breaking your game; utilise features in Microsoft Docs/Google doc
  5. Pointers - Don't write stories. Many resumes wrote, "I like to talk about.."
15mo ago
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