Hey everyone,
We've got an exciting journey ahead, and we're at a crossroads. Our AI startup is all set to take off, but we're fighting with an important question: should we seek funding for our startup ?
Here's the scoop: Our team is hard at work on a game-changing problem-solving service platform. Right now, we've got the skills to create the entire product, but most of us are Python enthusiasts, and we could use some extra hands with diverse talents to take our venture to the next level, which do require funding.
The story behind our decision to dive into the startup world is the success of our previous project. It gained some impressive traction, fueling our desire to turn it into a startup. But there's a hurdle on the horizon - funding. And also the investment landscape is in a bit of a winter chill right now. And we don't know much about the process of funding 😕.
feel free to drop your advice in the comments below.