
Should there be a Union of startup and tech employees?

Looks like you can't register a union unless you're employed by a certain company. Self employed people can't register unions. But it is okay to create unregistered/unofficial unions which don't have any legal right to create contracts or mediate between employees and companies. I guess an unofficial one could still organize strikes, come up with guidelines/rules for companies and do advocacy for employees. Might as well keep it unofficial, unregistered and informal. No legal, monetary or taxation hassle. Could even be anonymous leadership/members maybe đź‘€ What do you think?




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Confessions on

by FreshRaita


dirty tricks played by orgs to Lay Off employees

It's getting dirtier by the day and sure some orgs are still up to their dirty tricks. The models: - Appraise and then Lay Off: Why bother putting bandaid on a stab wound? Anyways the folks are going to fight how to answer the ..why were you laid off war, and now you are adding another twist.. why were you appraised and then laid off? - Low appraisals to force quit: Undervalue them so they leave on their own. It’s a leeches way to cut costs. Kill morale 100%. Severance penny spent $0. - Trap them in PIP: Dress it up however you want - very very few escape this death sentence. - Silent treatment: No assignments, No meetings. Watch them spiral into anxiety and leave to save their sanity. - Workload overload: Drown them in work until they break. No need for layoffs list until they make it to your collapse list first. - Strategic reorg: Re-organize them out of existence. Offer a demotion or a proxy role in a random team that you know they dont want as an alternative. - Sudden policy changes: oh! I have seen so many I can't keep up with this one. New policies that make their life hell. People leave to escape your pettiness. - Mandatory relocation: Demand they move to an undesirable location. Then you treat remote employees like outsiders. Exclude them from key projects, conversations until they feel like foster care kids, second-class citizens. You know the outcome from there on. - Use the "Culture Fit" excuse: Call out how they’re not a culture fit. Vague, unchallengeable, and forces them out without severance. And don't sell me "the org has got to do what it has got to do to survive" line. I don't buy that If you have seen this being done, I understand your silence, but I don't value it. If this has been done to you or someone close to you, I am sorry. Orgs and the people failed you. We could be 1000x better than what we are operating as.


Layoffs on

by BaatMaan


[Layoffs] Why have we just collectively decided to suck it up rather than retaliate?

It's infuriating how everyone's advice to deal with layoffs is side hustles, wasting your life away to constantly upskill and reducing spending. Basically everyone here is saying "live life like shit to appease your corporate overlords" as if layoffs are OUR fault? Instead, why aren't we seeing any advice on the lines of: Build expertise in something while you're an employee and later start your own company/business/consultation on the basis of it. This will increase competition within businesses and will force them to treat their employees like humans. This was kind of the reason why things were generally good for employees from 2021-22 because all the startups popping up increased competition for labour. Or if your employer lays a bunch of people off and starts giving the rest of you their workload, simply refuse! Don't work extra long or extra hard. Get the employees together collectively and make everyone, or at least the majority refuse to entertain these outlandish demands from your employers. What are they gonna do? Fire you all and lose their business? And if that's not going to work, just do everything very poorly and if you're asked about it, just cite that there is a lack of manpower needed to get quality results. Basically, why have we collectively decided to take the short end of the stick and make our lives miserable when we should instead force employers to face consequences of THEIR OWN poor strategic planning? Why aren't we even discussing ideas for, let alone working on protecting our own best interests rather than interests of those who are screwing us over?