So the recent Adulting content
Long post; activity required
Since I increased sharing Adulting (not that adult) posts, People connected People felt good People felt bad People were hurt People realised People learnt People realised
Unintentionally, people were hurt, I didn't mean to hurt anyone, but to just share my learnings/experiences with everyone so it might help.
So, this weekend, I've come up with a better picture (& simple).
To men, hope this simple image is related, boosts your heart beat and make you blush/smile (share with us your memory)
To women, you just know how to charm your man (assuming the bigger percentage like to wear a saree)
Once in a while core-memory activity:
All Men: Ask your partner to wear a saree you'd like to see in today Extrovert Men: Ask your father/grandfather how your mother/grandmother looked the first time they saw Introvert Men: Just look for parents wedding album and see how beautiful your mom is. Single Men: Take learnings on how to drape a saree for the future (from where? youtube?) (don't cry that you're single)
Women: why don't you charm your man in surprise and have a date at home, maybe? Single Women: charm the single boys or maybe your crush
Also all men: let's remember our crush in saree 😌
Also some genius women: please teach men how to drape a saree in the comments
P.S: I will not stop sharing learnings/experiences, if that also means Adulting content, as well, but in better ways.
P.S: If you've done any of the above activities, do comment ;)