Story behind your username
Hey folks! One thing I'm sure about is that this platform has the most intelligent, experienced, and intellectual self-made individuals. I also know that most of us like to communicate sarcastically or indirectly, which might be hard for a normal person to understand at first. This is why I believe each of us has a story behind our usernames. Sometimes, I find myself laughing at a username more than their jokes. Some of the usernames that always make me wonder are: FunnyBones, Potatomato, salt, UnpaidIntern, rantmastergogo, kabootar_jaa, IceTruckKiller, FuzzyRuin, BiryaniEnthu, ChinChinChu, EagerFetus, bullymcquire, bottleofgin, GossipAunty, JadeArgent, peepeepoopoo, barbaadeshwar, Nagraj, Damaru, Amulbutter, weekendemployee, AliveYouth, AlphaGrindset, TheOatmeal, and many more.
The community would love to know the stories behind everyone's usernames here.
I'll go first.. I am a die-hard fan of geopolitics, and before Trump, everything was going smoothly and boring around the globe. But then this legend came and brought endless entertainment, whether it was a roast-show with US singers, his accent, speeches, or Covid management. What an interesting time it was! Despite his political blunders, I'm a huge fan of his entertainment. 😀 I hope you all have seen his recent mugshot on Twitter. 😆