
Talked to an investor today who manages >100M+ USD fund in India

Was catching up with a friend of mine in Gurgaon for lunch today. Afterwards, his uncle joined us because they had to get some work done for his cousin's wedding. So, I came to know that he manages an equity fund for a popular wealth management fund in the country. He was commenting on the recent rise in the market after quite some time now. According to him, we are maybe in the midst of a good bull run with good capital inflows already in the market. He mentioned that there will always be naysayers until the markets get overbought and then naysayers will start screaming that we're in a bull run when it is already too late by then to buy anything. However he did mention two of his major concerns. FIIs combined hold a very significant amount of holdings in the Indian market when compared to DIIs, this means that there is some risk when they decide to book profits. Secondly, he commented that it fine to trade as a hobby but remember that there are players in the market who will hunt stop losses during a bull run. You will never know when that happens. So avoid trading and buy and hold was his advice.



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Personal Finance on

by steppenwolf


Is the Market Offering an Opportunity to Go Long?

A few months ago I wrote about how i caught 100% + returns in the Counter - Inox wind. It has set up again. Here is the link to the Inox wind post. Accumulation has been happening in Inox Wind for the last 6 months, and now it has started to move up with a wide-range upthrust bullish candle and a rise in volume. I wrote in my post that it would absorb all the selling and then move up again. This is a new entry opportunity, and I have doubled my quantity from the last time. This is how we can catch multi baggers by increasing the quantity every time it sets up. I have converted my trading position into an investment now, and I will start reading about the company, and start getting involved beyond charts. This is one example of technicals and fundamentals that can be combined. Even though this is an investment for me, I have a stop loss level ,nothing in the market I do without a stop loss. Here is a link to my last Post. I had updated here that I am 65-70% cash and will be deploying money only into sector ETFs like Auto, PSE, CPSE, Midcap 150 and would wait for stability to return for equities. Now Nifty has given an opportunity to go long on Friday. Whatever happened in the last 15 days was a pullback as of today. I have started to build positions in equities now. A lot of things are happening currently in the global scenario, from wars, rate cuts, to US elections. We could be prone to a lot of pullbacks and shakeouts. One should not expect short-term profit kinds of trades to work out. It is entirely possible that we could break the recent low of 23,900 on Nifty, and another down leg can follow. What would I do? I will simply follow my risk management rules and will get out if 23,900 breaks on Nifty and will wait for another opportunity to arise. Sectors where i am keen to build positions are - Nifty Consumption , Nifty service sector ,Nifty Large mid 250. Generally, I scale positions in two ways: one time scale-in or 50-50% after each confirmation. The market currently is not conducive for a one-time scale-in. I will explain this with a recent example. I got into ICICIGI on Friday around 2010. I entered this with the pullback framework that I follow. Initially I got in with 50% only, and after a mini pullback on the hourly TF, I entered again today around 2015, and now I am fully scaled in. I will cut 50% if it breaches 1990 with a wide-range bearish candle with volume expansion and will cut another 50% after the breach of 1930. As the price keeps going up, my stop losses will keep moving up. If the stock moves 7% or more, I’ll make my risk zero, meaning if it reverses from +7%, I will simply cut it out at cost. Why this aggressive approach? I screen 450-500 stocks and then make a watchlist of 30-40 names, and from there, I enter or scale into 10-12 names. I enter one of the strongest stocks in the market, and such stocks generally don't exhibit massive weakness. It is entirely possible that I would cut ICICIGI around 1950-60 and then stock might set up again in a few days, which has happened many times in the past. I would get back in again after confirmation. I am very nimble in building back positions if i am stopped out. I act quickly to get back in, but I am strict about not risking my capital. When I am wrong, I want to be wrong with the smallest of margins, and when I am right, I will just sit and hold, e.g., Inox Wind. Sister stock movement .i.e stocks from sector moving together, is happening in Insurance space. SBI LIFE , ICICIPRULI, ICICIGI are exhibiting strength. I will get into 2 stocks from these 3. Such a sister stock movement increases the probability of trade working in your favour a great deal. A few more names that are in my watchlist and i may enter them. - NAVKARCORP - SBI LIFE , ICICIPRULI (Today) - NAUKRI - RAMRATAN - GODFREYPHILIP (Gave opp yesterday) - ETHOS - SHAILY (Gave opp. on friday, undergoing mini pullback) etc.


Personal Finance on

by Silverfox

Seed Stage Startup

[Must Read] Markets will Correct 📉

- Central Banks have almost achieved their objective of controlling inflation through tightened monetary policy. Though the CPI is inching lower, asset inflation is resurfacing through stock prices and real estate. - Many listed companies that came out with the quarterly numbers are nothing good to talk about. Growth and profits are subdued and for small and mid caps the numbers are decimated but the stocks are still trading at a historical premium. - Analysts will once again start downgrading the earnings forecast and that will start the downward momentum. Once again people will undergo the "Flight to Quality" effect. - No of Bankruptcies is steadily increasing - No of Job openings are trending lower - Most of the US listed firms that have borrowed at a lower interest rate in 2021 are coming up for renewals this year. By the time they refinance, they will be doing it at a higher interest rate which will impact their PAT as a result their EPS estimates will take a biting. - Gold looks attractive from a market cycle standpoint. My Recommendation: - Have an emergency fund for at least 6 to 9 months to cover your expenses. - Exit overvalued small and microcaps stocks. Move to a reasonably valued large cap. - Have health insurance for you and your dependents. - Move out of small cap mutual funds and have some allocation to debt funds. Let me know your thoughts. I hope 2025 turns out better.


Misc on

by Semaphore


Is it possible for those doing well to still acknowledge how our generation is screwed economically?

Saw a similar post somewhere from an European and I think it’s pretty valid for India. For context, I am in my early 30s, a home owner, living in tier-2 city with a pretty high salary. Recently got married and my wife also works as an Enterprise AE for a listed US company. Our cost of living is pretty low given the house and tier-2 city. Even if we had a kid, the overall cost of living will not change a lot. I got to where I am, economically, by a combination of hard work and luck. Luck definitely was a huge part of it. Knowing the right people at the right time, working on the right technologies helped a lot more in advancing my career a lot more than grinding for good grades. Even the ability to buy a house without much debt, was partly because I was lucky to sell my shares in a fairly small startup. It would be easy to say things aren’t economically bad based on my own experience or that of my close friends. However, when I look at things more objectively, I can’t help but come to the conclusion that we are screwed as a generation. Except for maybe the top 1%, salaries are not keeping up even with inflation. Housing costs, specially in tier 1/2 cities are unbelievably high even if you want an average apartment. Jobs are no where to be seen. The whole generation is living in the hope of the stock market rally never ending. This seems completely unsustainable as a nation. I might be doing well for now, but I still recognise how these are real problems for most Indians, who’ve been waiting for India’s century for 20 years Given that the services industry contributes more than 50% to the GDP, the current state of joblessness, the overall sluggishness in IT and related sectors, and the fundamental changes happening to the way IT services now work, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a complete recession in the next 4-5 years. Lately, there has been a lot of criticism of anyone expressing anger on how bad things are but I think it’s helpful to talk about this.