Tax planning rant

I was doing a tax plan for the next FY.

A significant chunk is going off my hard earned money ๐Ÿ˜” for which I get ๐Ÿ”” from govt.

I hardly use any public facilities , or can simply say they do not exist and are not up to mark

Any Tom and harry comes and starts freebies for his noble cause of votes which tax payers like me are not eligible to be benefitted even if I want to take any .

Why the heck I have been taxed so much .

Even if you get variable pay this month which was already taxed with TDS and If I invest in MF lumpsum and get some gains . The whole amount will again be taxed that too according to my tax bracket .

Although I am not considering indirect taxation which is another curse we all are facing .

Is everyone pissed with this tax story or simply ignore and move on to pay more tax and grind more .

8mo ago
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You don't use roads? Metro? Petrol pumps?

"Public Facilities" arent just Sulabh toilets or ration cards

When paying so much, study where all the money is used


Where are the roads, metro, petrol pump etc? I see only potholes or village like roads in tier 1 city and no metros. Donโ€™t even talk abt roads or any other services when it rains.


I live in Delhi, we have most of these


You dont pay the income tax, your company pays it in your name. If there were no Income tax, your CTC would have been 30% lower.

So stop feeling sad.


No, I do not agree. Bro we are already poor labour, you want to cut 30% ?,๐Ÿ˜ญ


That's how our salaries work. Our company inflates the CTC to include the income tax. If salaried income tax goes to 0, our CTC would reduce roughly by that amount.


You are a perfect example of being literate but uneducated.

Police, Defence, Courts, Municipal Corporations, Roads, Airports, subsidised healthcare and food for your maids, cooks, drivers (without which they would never survive with the salary you pay them) - how do you think all these things function?

Just because you don't interact with them directly, doesn't mean you don't "use" their services.


Was hoping for a healthy discussion . With some solutions from participants it seems some people lack civic sense .

Follow this thread hope you get some light .

Why I was pissed with paying my hard earned money when I get nothing in return .

Also to make a point we pay municipal taxes and road taxes and other indirect taxes for services we use .

Hope this changes your perspective


Why the heck I have been taxed so much

Why are the big businessmen BILLIONS in getting tax breaks!


Stop ranting start planning,

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