
[Thread] Share a link to a video that changed your life.

This video changed the way I started to think about value creation and making money. When I think about it, it makes me wonder that life is good and it will be great.

8mo ago
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Extremely random and requires too much context but I'll keep it short.

Imagine working really hard for 20-30 years towards your dream.

And finally, all the hard work pays off and you are there. You are where you dreamt of being your entire life. The peak of your career. There's nothing else you want to do for the rest of your life.

You are so excited to take this new chapter forward. You can't wait for this dream to become a part of your legacy over the next 10-15 years.

And then it is all taken away from you at once.

This is what happened to comedian, Conan O'Brien, when he was made to quit The Tonight Show.

Here's a clip from his last monologue.


I watched this for the first time after screwing up JEE. I watch it everytime life gets too hard.

Everything he was promised is being taken away from him. Everyone knows what's going on. Everyone feels terribly sorry for him.

And in that moment, what's the last thing he decides to say?

"Please do not be cynical. I hate cynicism. It's my least favourite quality, it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you are kind, amazing things will happen."

I tear up everytime I hear these words and I try my best to live by them.


This is so true buddy. ❤️ Thank you for sharing this



This podcast featuring Elon Musk changed everything for me. I was never interested in tech, but after watching this video, something shifted, and I decided to get into tech. Machine learning just clicked for me.

I want to gain enough experience to either create a product or be part of a small team or startup that adds significant value to society. I know I am very far from that goal right now, but I am hopeful. 😅


This is really just beautiful. Makes you tear up and cry


This ted talk by Tim Urban. I was a major procrastinator before seeing this



So good man 🥺

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