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Crying won't solve your problems. But we don't cry to solve , we cry to release.

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Mostly a rant but I guess also a cry for help that I have been subduing for a long time now. I have never felt alone at times in my life as well as lost, but they have always been at 2 different times. Never together. Always it has been a purpose or the company I am in (not work, social circle) that kept driving me forward. At times both. But now, its neither. Ever since I was a kid, I had dreamt up a picture of my bachelor life. A great social circle of close friends. A place to live in most comfortable way possible. Finances so stable that I don't have to think twice before getting something I wanted and felt needed. Working or doing something that kept me excited for it. And here I am today, sitting and wondering, I have achieved just the 2nd part of it. Everything else is still a dream. I lost the close knit friend circle and I think its a huge list of misunderstandings and small mistakes that caused it and I can't see a way back. Financially, I have no savings and I have spent money like there is no tomorrow for past 5 years. I have a job that doesn't drive me at all, while just 2 years back I was excited to face the new challenge I am gonna get the next day. I have no idea what to do and where to go. I feel in my gut that this is going to be a similar phase in my life that I have faced before. This may go on for the next 1 to 2 years and then I would emerge out of it and value what I have more than ever. But still this phase eats at the inside of me at times and I just feel empty. Thanks for reading till the end.
Which is your favourite city in India and why? Collecting inputs to decide where to try and spend the next 10 years of my life. The cost of living will not be the deciding factor, but the quality of life will be! 🙂 (Ps. focusing on tier 1 cities only) My details: - Female, 30, Single - I like to party one weekend a month - and spend the rest of the weekends sleeping, binge watching OTT, painting and cleaning my home - can learn different languages quickly (at least the basics) - I like peace and serenity as much as I like the city lights and hustle. Need them both 🤓
For me I know French and German.(Just kinda beginner in German).
People usually spend 2-3k or more in tier 1 cities for a weekend of going out (including travel). Do you have a checklist in mind of what you absolutely want/don't want when going out? For me, i usually expect good food+hygiene, less noise (unless it's a concert/party), and non diluted drinks (really pisses me off when they dilute cocktails). Do share yours in comments, and if you have a fixed/flexible budget of sorts for going out.