
Weave Company- Unprofessional Interviewer

Sharing my interview experience for grapvine audience. I applied to this company called Weave for Software Engineer role. 1. Recruiter call was very good 2. Coding round 45mins - a. Interviewer wasted 30mins Asking irrelevant questions for the coding round. b. Asked why my current company uses AWS instead of other cheaper cloud providers like GCP, Azure etc, as if I am CTO at my employer. c. Asked Hr questions like why I am looking for switch and what is my tenure at current company, it was totally irrelevant to coding round. d. Asked manipulative question to frame me, "What is the strength of my current engineering team?", I answered 5 engineers, SDE2, staffs etc. He then put his narcissistic comment "If I don't consider EM and PMs as a strength of the team" as in strength-weakness manner. e. Wasted 30mins in these BS questions and then gave a coding question which I solved with working code and he was satisfied with it. f. I was already shocked by his un-professional behaviour, to add to it he extended another 15mins to interview by asking follow up tech questions. g. I knew it's something wrong with this interviewer, then he started asking from which place in the country I am from. I was not in a mood take anymore of his BS, so I gave vague answer mentioning my State in India, he yet started pressuring me to tell exact city. Don't know how this interviewer was a senior engineer at that company with such foolish behaviour. Even after coding a working solution and acknowledgement by interviewer. I got rejection email saying "rejected due to my coding round". I ain't taking such BS and un-professional behaviour, so I reported entire interview details to recruiter and Head HR of that company, it's totally unacceptable for interviewers to waste time of candidates with their incapability, bias and un-professional behaviour. I got response that they will look into this matter internally and such behaviour is totally not acceptable



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Software Engineers on

by Satya_nutella


ServiceNow interview is shit 💩

I just finished an interview with ServiceNow for a senior software engineer role and writing this up. Anger rushed through my body after finishing the interview for multiple reasons. reasons: 1. The interviewer joined 10 minutes late and he was very lethargic. 2. The questions he asked regarding my current job were very basic and then I realized that he should be fresher or should have 2 - 3 years of experience. 3. After the interview I checked his profile on LinkedIn and he was a 2021 graduate (as I guessed). 4. I don't understand why an organization assigns software engineers (2.5 YOE) as interviewers for hiring a senior software engineer(8+ YOE). It doesn't make sense to me. 5. Then the interviewer asked a basic DSA question, and I gave him the solution, now he was not familiar with the Python language hence intrigued about the implementation of the heapify in Python. I explained to him how Heapify works but still, he could not understand what it is. 6. The part I got pissed off is the interviewer's attitude of him knowing everything. 7. The interview was scheduled for 1 hour and we went overtime, it's okay to go overtime by 5-10 minutes., But this guy is taking more than 20 minutes. He din't have basic ethics of valuing candidate's time. This is not my first interview with ServiceNow, this is my second and I had same feelings in the first interview as well. It's okay for me to not grab this opportunity, but think about someone who is really struggling to get a job during this tough time, because of the interviewer being lethargic. Hope ServiceNow focuses on their interviewing system and improves it.


Confessions on

by FreshRaita


Most hiring managers can't handle the start, close or even manage the middle of an interview - even if their life depended on it.

There I said it. It sucks. The start is a joke - cause here's the plan - If you spend too much time on intros, and you wasting the so called "interview" time. And then you think I should save it for later, lets focus on the interview. so we move to the stinky middle - the interview part - a web of questions with the obvious non relevant ones in there - and for a fact you will still give a green light to folks by a measure of retention of knowledge, not by knowledge application - cause you give hints to solve the problem sparingly. Here's the fact about your measure of potential - Take away Google and ChatGPT from these managers, and more than half your team would crumble. Wouldn't they use it on everyday job? If yes, then why are you depriving them of it in the interview. You will ego battle them - Not answering most of their questions - cause you are not interviewing - you are an interviewer - and they are the interviewee.. or you will conveniently park the questions for later, until a hiring decision is formally made - so you save your time - I mean cmon! thats your game plan. And the closing: it’s usually a weak handshake or a sign off and a 'We’ll be in touch' OR 'HR will get back to you' CLASSIC. And yet.. you expect the job seekers to buy into their 'mission and vision' and become dedicated team member to "your" team. Seriously? CONVERSATION has a CON in it and you are doing it. + you cant hold it, even if your life depended on it. The only reason the job seeker turned up, and thanked you for your time after the interview - is cause they need a job and were polite. NOTHING ELSE. In a rare case - you really did a good job, and hence the "thank you" Podcast here -


Confessions on

by samosa


Having some fun with the interviewers

So basically I don't hesitate in challenging the interviewer if I feel like they don't know how to interview a senior candidate so during many interviews, this is how I have caught them off guard: 1. The interviewer was asking me technical questions and expecting to explain properly throughout. So at the end i asked him about the tech stack they use, he said Azure. I asked him why they use Azure and not AWS, to which he said "it's cheaper", i didn't let it go, i asked him for a proper technical explanation, his red face was worth seeing. 2. The interview asked me a hard DSA question, and I wasn't able to solve it properly, he didn't even give me enough hints, just expected me to solve it. So halfway I asked him, would you like to solve a DSA if I ask you right now, he said no because it's not his interview. To which I asked, are you afraid that you won't be able to solve? If you are going to reject me for not solving this question, would you resign if you aren't able to solve the question. He ended the call. 3. One interviewer was asking me absurd technical detailed questions. I asked him why are you asking such questions, he said he needs to know my thought process because he will work with me. I started asking him similar questions, he said he won't answer because it's not his interview. I said I also need to know your thought process because we'll work together, so you should also answer these questions, he had no reply. 4. The interviewer asked me about a challenging project that I had done recently. I don't like this question at all. So I said there wasn't any challenging project because I'm good at what I do so it's always easy for me. He moved on to the next question. 5. HR asked me why I resigned without an offer? I asked if it's mandatory? No reply.