
What are traits of a good leader?

How does one pick a good boss to work under as working under a good boss is most important decision for ones career?

What are some visible red flags one should be wary of?

20mo ago
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"Doesn't want to be a leader", has to be the starting point. :D


I have the same bosses from last N years. They are good people, care about the employees, reward and recognize and are usually calm, less political, humble and polite. They have supported most of what I do at work and allowed me to prosper and take on newer work and roles as long as I am delivering on their pieces.

Have really grown under them and that's the main reason for me not changing my job.

I guess I do look at my friends and how bad they have. Here is my list of red flags

  1. Super political
  2. Incompetence. That transfers from boss to team
  3. Assholes who don't care about you, only about work getting done and their ass
  4. Mercenaries. People who change company every odd year or more. They are only there for the tag and the pay and always looking to get a better gig some place else

The best of people I worked with (some of them geniuses)

  1. Guides you to be successful in your work
  2. You learn from them everyday
  3. Genuinely cares for you and emphatetic to your personal situations
  4. You are comfortable to take any risks
  5. You are inspired. You want to be mimic them when you become a leader

The best of all (my boss), solve any problem (in any unrelated tech), just by asking 4 followup question. On similar lines, in your interview, is the interviewer able to ask followup questions in your own project( you being the sme) and get you thinking?

Red flags :

  1. Presents himself to be genius at every talk
  2. My way or high way... I did it like this when I was a kid so this is the only way
  3. Micromanage
  4. Brings you down for every mistake in front of others
  5. Never helps you ( because they can't)
  6. Doesn't let you bend your mind, fail and learn
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