
What do ML engineers do on a day to day basis?

Any ML/AI engineer who can share, what does a day to day work look like for you ? Is it mostly a research based role ? Do you code regularly ?

2mo ago
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Im more Data Science-ML than SDE-ML

  1. Data Ingestion: Little bit of Data Engineering to get the data right, write spark code and keep a notebook ready for changes
  2. EDA: Lots of statistical tests to understand the features
  3. ML: mostly start with linear regression if numberical or tf-idf when working with words to shape out some relationships
  4. Wait 3 weeks to get access to any higher libraries
  5. Execute the ⚡️Executive Algorithm ⚡️ ie. Make it work and a get business inference but also make it sound good when your Director talks about it to other execs.
  6. Create a ppt that you can only hope to get a chance to present
  7. Hand over Jupyter files to MLOps to put in production if it passes the Model Validation committee (they reach out like 5-6 months after you send them anything).

As far as research goes yes, we do have patents filling, paper reading and execution. But mostly my role is focused more on getting an insight/ workable quantitative measure of a metric than anything else.


Sounds nerdy. So you've seen more people from CS background or maths background in this role ?


Depends. The same as being a PM @ Google is different from being a PM @ Infosys.

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