What is Cred’s business model?
Is Cred a business or just a long party? If they are a business then how do they make money? What do they stand for - currently it just looks like a hangout place for super privileged bros?
Cred is overly done and confusing now. It is like a nightmare for designers. What has been done on the app bro. Ek cheeze dhundhne me itna time lag raha
I like the fact that there is a company that keeps it's design and design team front and center of the discussion, even with the scale they have achieved. You don't find that a lot in Indian startup scenarios.
Also more than the designers, I praise their engineering team for pulling such incredible interactions and UI.
This should be top comment
What's the point of keeping the design team in the front when the app itself is not usable lmao. When asked why their UX is shit all the designers there have only one answer that is we don't care about UX, we only care about the UI. Clowns
Is Cred a business or just a long party? If they are a business then how do they make money? What do they stand for - currently it just looks like a hangout place for super privileged bros?
They focus on visual design over usability. No one talks about an app that’s easy to use but most people go gaga abou...
I think something we tend to less appreciate the designs which are simple and to the point like what's app
I have seen lot of other apps like cred, uber, ola etc making it unnecessarily complex & using dark patterns. CRED especially alw...