onThe space to procrastinate while you get over your creative blocks.

by PeppyJellybeanStudent

by WobblyJellybeanStudent

by FuzzyCoconutStudent

by DancingMuffinProduct Designer
Seeking Job
I have been practicing AutoCad and Solidworks. Kindly inform me if any vacancy available....

by DancingMuffinProduct Designer

Uber product design intern India
Did anyone get a positive response from the uber team. Recieved my rejection mail today 🥲

by BubblyHamsterUX/UI Designer
Linkedin filled with unnecessary opinions
New Jio Hotstar logo is out and people are flooding linkedin with their opinions as if they are going to change the logo again. Designers call UI of hotstar is not good, I want to ask have you even used hotstar.

by DizzyDonutImpact Analytics
Which consumer or B2C app performed exceptionally well?
Although designing a user flow is inherently challenging, they managed to figure it