Nothing can resist macros. Macros are all pervasive, but offer no actionable signals to the lay investor.
Changes get triggered due to macro shifts in parts of your portfolio, but frequent tinkering or even action doesn't necessarily translate to better returns or better risk management.
What makes a difference is discipline in continuing investments through thick and thin, and periodic rebalancing (annual in my case) to ensure macros don't inflate a part of your portfolio beyond its rightful weight.
So after a few years of experimenting and tinkering with my money, the HLD for the portfolio over the past 10Y is:
60% in equity - Index + a self managed concentrated 10 stock portfolio.
20% - Gold (all digital).
20% - Debt (EPF, PPF, Long Term Gilt/GSec funds).
There are also side experiments I run, but they are very minor. Smallcases, NPS, etc. It doesn't matter what they return.