What would you pick?
Help me choose my next role
Product Manager
Senior ManagerZeptoBengaluru5 YoEZepto is a mess, but if you're willing to endure then there may be a significant stock upside.
Flipkart might go public! I don’t know the upside left if you join them this late
Ask zepto to make it 69
Can someone help me understand how(And why)Product Management roles(Product Manager/Product Owner) gets so high packages?
Apart from Principal Engineer/Solution Architect(Architect of any other sorts) and developers I have not seen any other roles getting such high packages. Take for instance my own field. I'm into QA and the highest package I have seen someone get is, Exp5. But if you look at the author's comp, it is almost Exp10.
What is it that they exclusively bring to the table that fetches them such high salaries. Genuinely asking, because I'm currently at 6YOE and looking out for various domain/technology/roles to transition to in order to secure a high paying package and settle into it for some more years. If I start planning and preparing now, by the time I switch(Planning to switch now) I would have reached 10Y.O.E.
Decision making. Product managers are paid to take decisions that can potentially help companies grow. It could be as small as changing a CTA- that can increase conversions- to introduce new product functionality that will help differentiate the product. While all product managers may not be that skilled but many are and that's what the companies hope to achieve by hiring better product managers.
Many PMs apart from decision making also have skilled in analytics, product design and many are software developers in past, so yeap they are closely connected to tech