The way I see it, a product like this is good at capturing more unstructured thoughts.
These could be:
- Rants/reactions on work or some industry news.
- A random idea that someone wants to float around, and get an early temperature check on.
- A funny thought that occurred to you in the shower.
- A moment from work/life that someone else might relate to.
- And so on…
Not everything warrants a detailed discussion, with nested comments, and needs to sit around forever.
I also like that it’s a small unit on top of my feed. If I don’t feel like engaging with it, I can just scroll past it to the usual feed I’m used to.
But once in a while, it’s a nice detour to get a vibe of what others on the platform are thinking/feeling in their more raw form.
But yeah, it’s also on the people to share relevant things which make this platform good.
There’s certainly a risk it becomes filled with only cringe and memes - leading to yet another doomscrolling product.